Bila amarah menguasai minda...

Al-kisahnya seorang customer aku semalam.. 
Cust : I want to know the password
Aku : I have to do 3 security check with you first Miss before I can give the password
Cust : Ok
Aku : The account holder name?
Cust : LOH KOK P**
Aku : IC number for account holder
Cust : This is my father account, how do I know the IC number. I bet you also dont remember your father's IC right? What ridiculous thing la you all do.. I have to wait 30mins before get to you and right now you ask my father's IC number just because I want to know the password? You ask your technician la why he change my modem when I'm not at home? Its not my modem problem lah..
Aku : Miss.. I cant reveal the password to you if the security check not complete. Like this,why dont you call your father first to ask the IC number.. I'll wait for you Miss..
Cust : How I can call my father if him at the same house with me? 
Aku : (WTF) Miss..... If like that, why dont you walk to your father and ask the IC num?
Cust : You wait ar.. you wait!

Aduyai... dahla menengking-nengking cakap dengan aku. Boleh dia tanya camne nak call bapak dia if duduk satu rumah?  Manusia... manusia.. Terlalu lemah membiarkan amarah menguasai diri...

Panjang lagi sebenarnye dialog aku dengan customer ini.. Tapi biarlah aku saje yang tahu kenyataannye.. Apa yang aku boleh katakan.. Jangan biarkan AMARAH korang menguasai MINDA hingga menyebabkan korang nampak BANGANG..

Macam customer ini, padahal lepas dia suruh aku tunggu tu, dia cuma perlu bukak pintu dan bertanya pada bapak dia. Bukan perlu daki gunung ke, redah lautan api ke, kena maki dulu ke.. So, kenapa perlu meninggi suara pada aku yang hanya menjalankan tugas ni?? Bukankah dia yang meminta pertolongan dari aku?

Dunia... dunia..

1 comment:

fie said...

secara lumrahnya,manusia mmg takble nk sabar nk menunggu lebih dr 5 minit.


takble blah dialog "How I can call my father if him at the same house with me? "
